Jay Wrigley Jay Wrigley

AIM-ing For Better Health: A 3-Step Process To Shift You From Surviving To Thriving

Life shifts.

We all experience shifts in life: some minor, some major, and some global (#yikes, 2020 and beyond). These shifts occur in varying degrees of acuteness and difficulty, and in varying degrees of in-or-out of our control.

In the middle of these life shifts, you also experience hormonal shifts that happen “behind the scenes” in your body. These hormonal shifts - which can be affected by your environment, current state of health, diet and lifestyle choices, stress levels, and other factors - can positively or negatively influence your physical and mental health and your ability to effectively embrace and manage those other LIFE shifts.

That’s why our mission is what it is: to empower individuals (meaning: YOU) to take ownership of and accountability for your own health and wellbeing so that you can have the best experience in body, mind, and life. We want you to AIM for optimal health - for the purpose of living an optimal life.

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Jay Wrigley Jay Wrigley

The Cortisol Catch: Stress, Weight Gain, & Your Way Out

Are your worries working their way to your waistline? Is your panic adding pounds? Then let’s 👏 talk 👏 about 👏 CORTISOL! 👏

Cortisol - commonly called the “stress” hormone - is a steroid hormone produced in and released by your adrenal glands. It’s involved in MANY biological processes, including regulating metabolism, blood sugar, and blood pressure; reducing inflammation; controlling your sleep-wake cycle; and even assisting with memory and moderating mood. However, it’s most famous for its starring role in your body’s stress response.

Cortisol is your lifeline in fight-or-flight moments. When life tosses you into a stress-filled moment, Cortisol is there, springing into action. Think “fight or flight”: a saber-toothed tiger pounces your way, triggering the release of Cortisol (and other hormones) to help you respond quickly and effectively to the threat. It quickens your pulse, heightens your senses, and primes your muscles with glucose: the ultimate fuel for a swift response to danger. This is all part of a primal reaction, an evolutionary masterpiece that's been keeping us safe since our cave-dwelling days.

Cortisol works FOR you when its circulating at optimal levels in your body . . . but too much or too little of it in your system, especially for prolonged periods of time, can lead to a host of mental and physical health issues.

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Jay Wrigley Jay Wrigley

Your Way Forward: 5 Pillars For Healing, Health, & Lifelong Vitality

Are you sick of being sick? Fed up with fatigue? Wearied by your waistline? Then let’s talk about your way FORWARD.

In the context of our modern medical system, disease, dysfunction, and distress are not only prevalent, they’re profitable. Root causes remain untreated, while symptoms are routinely and often nonchalantly medicated. The word “chronic” echoes in too many people’s ears, resounding loudly and for too long in their bodies. And obesity – even with its associated metabolic risk factors, such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes – is not only normalized, it is now often socially and culturally celebrated.

It’s largely accepted that once you’re approaching or “over the hill,” your health and body are headed downhill, and while basic lifestyle strategies (think: diet and exercise) are dismissed, Big Food and Big Pharma are more than happy to prey on the pockets of the people they’ve made sick.

But . . . we’re arriving at a tipping point. A new approach to healthcare is gaining momentum, and this approach isn’t powered by external institutions – it’s powered by the most critical agent of change: YOU.

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Jay Wrigley Jay Wrigley

Mythbusting Menopause: The Top 10 Myths (& Realities)

We see you. You’re a peri- through post-menopausal woman (or you can see it coming!) who doesn’t want the symptoms she’s experiencing or the symptoms she fears to hold her back.

And we’re here to tell you not only does that not have to happen, but menopause can actually be the springboard to your success and set the stage for your best second act!

What Menopause Isn’t: A disease, a disorder, a deficiency, a failure, or THE END.

What Menopause Is: Technically? The end of your menstrual cycles, as defined by the cessation of your period for 12 consecutive months. But in LIFE, it’s the natural hormonal transition every woman experiences at the end of her reproductive years that can be her worst nightmare - hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain, oh my! - or her best friend (no 👏 more 👏 periods 👏).

Which is exactly why we’re here - to steer you away from the stigma and fear and toward the ease, optimism, and vitality you deserve. So settle in as we break down 10 of the most common myths and misconceptions about this midlife milestone!

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Endometriosis Awareness Month: What You Need To Know

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about a condition that affects 1 in 10 women worldwide. Endometriosis can have serious physical and emotional effects on those living with it, yet it often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed for years. To help raise awareness about the condition, we must talk openly about endometriosis, educate the public on its symptoms and treatments, and support those who are affected by it. Together, we can make sure that nobody has to suffer in silence any longer.

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The Magic of Medicinal Mushrooms

Your Guide To Functional Fungi & Their Role In Immunity, Cognition, & Longevity! All mushrooms are magic: culinary mushrooms brew deliciousness in the kitchen; medicinal mushrooms reduce inflammation, boost immunity, and support optimal cognitive function, mood, and longevity; and psychedelic mushrooms (the ones we typically think of as “magic”) open the mind and the heart. But our focus here is specifically on the medicinal mycelium - so let’s dig in to what these mushrooms are, what they do, and how you can utilize these friendly fungi to support both your body and mind.

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The Secret to Happiness: How To Use Your Hormones To Boost Your Mood and Better Your Life

So . . . what are your “Happiness Hormones?” The “Happiness Hormones” - Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins - are a group of hormones associated with boosting our moods and stimulating feelings of pleasure, reward, and joy (although they do all of that and more!). These hormones have a profound impact on both physical and mental health, so let’s dive in to what they are, what they do, and how you can best tap into them to improve your body, mind, and outlook day-to-day. BONUS: stay to the end to learn how you can use these hormones to create your ultimate frequency-boosting morning routine!

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Jay Wrigley Jay Wrigley

Welcome To The Revitalize Blog!

Welcome to The Revitalize Blog, your go-to resource for all topics related to your hormonal health and happiness. Here you’ll find the answers to your most-pressing questions about your hormones, hormonal balance (or imbalance!), symptoms, testing, and more. Together, let’s transform those hormonal struggles into your success . . .

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